Webstorm 2020.1
Webstorm 2020.1

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webstorm 2020.1

Gradle error on open project: Gradle may fail to build project from command line.All tests are run when running tests using Gradle and Gradle instant execution is enabled.Idea suggest Gradle JVM as 13 or lower if exists java 14 for Gradle 6.3.Modules for source-sets do not follow deduplicated "parent" module name.Highlighting broken for variables and classes.add toggle auto-import action into Gradle tool-window.Default Project language level changes back to 13 after running "Reimport" Gradle command.Error letting IDEA "Build and run" Gradle project.Idea doesn't generate preview project structure for grade project with invalid ``.Download progress indicator is not shown when Idea downloads layoutlib-resources on first open of android layout designer.Performance plugin exception in headless mode.Blank page and exception when open settings (Argument for NotNull parameter 's' of ).Invoke "Preview Intention" on PsiFile related to the original file.IDE crashes on startup when FindBugs-IDEA plug-in is present.IDEA 202+ reports Kotlin SDK as "corrupted or broken JDK".EditorConfig with Kotlin preview prevents project from being opened (Project Disposed on project opening).Amazon Redshift MATERIALIZED VIEW Syntax Not Supported.Add support for wrapping/chopping for long DDL statements.Pasting dataset exceeding current data view should create new lines.A slightly pleasant usability for Dump Data dialog.Dedicated node for trigger functions in the database tree view.MySQL: ability to configure expired password.baseUrl in tsconfig.json is ignored when resolving Sass imports via ~file.scss.Vuex: support doesn't work with Nuxt.js project structure.Hammerjs events are not recognized in Angular templates.

webstorm 2020.1

Vue.js: support v-slot in PHP, Twigs and other file types.Support for vuex modules created via functions.Data properties of Vue single file component exported with module.exports not resolved.No icon for Firefox Developer Edition browser.Please make `oovy` into a File Type so we can associate it with files with other names.Selenium: add support for FluentLenium library.

webstorm 2020.1

  • JMS: message queue references for JMSContext usages.
  • webstorm 2020.1

    Merge AndroidStudio 3.6.0-Final into IJ.

    Webstorm 2020.1